Adapt a Plant..

This is to share how well Adapt'adopt a plant' was conducted in pgdav college.
the campaign kicked off sharp at 9.30 am with assembling of the members and volunteers in the college foyeur.The event was well-publicised,posters being put up at all the prominent places in the college silently hollering across the "go green" message.The campaign received an overwhelming response from the college owing to the preparations and efforts put in by the by the collegeHead Anuj nagpal and his squad.
the unit even came out with an innovative idea of tieing green ribbon around the wrist of the volunteers.Handmade Adapt badges prepared by the team members best exemplified the team's hardwork for the campaign.A help desk was set up in the college foyeur to create buzz about our 'Go Green' campaign and familiarise the college about LFT and our other campaign events.Moreover some unit members were even delegated task of class-to-class campaigning to muster more response and ignite interest in the agenda for which we 'the lft organisation' stands for.
this way ADAPT went on till 12 pm with participation of more than 30 people planting roughly 20 odd saplings.Although the number is not so impressive but the impact that ADAPT created in Pgdav is unmeasurable.During these 2 hours,20 people signed up as lft members, further fortifying the college unit.
Abhishek Gupta