“You have to dream before your dreams can come true”- Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam.
Yes I did dream. A dream to meet a man, who with his simple words and magnificent personality can stir inspiration and confidence amongst billions of people around the globe. A man who has a vision to make India the leading economy of the world. A man who is beyond words and description.
On 10th September 2011, this dream came true when I along with the others Leaders For Tomorrow members got the golden opportunity to meet Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India. The interaction started with an introduction of all the LFT members, followed by a question put forward by Dr. Kalam. “Where do you see yourself after 10 years?”Sitting with him in his well-furnished office made me think about the next 10 years of my life, which before this very moment had never struck my mind. But as he says, a small goal in life is a sin, so we all pictured ourselves 10 years later, working at our dream place and told him about it.
It is very rightly said that experiences are the best capsules to make a person truly motivated and inspired in life. Considering the same, Dr. Kalam enlightened us about all his life changing experiences, the way he worked, the way he was thankful to his seniors and other great personalities who in one or the other way contributed towards making him, what he is today. His stories truly inspired us and instilled us with brimming emotions and encouragement. He motivated us to be good leaders and talked about the essential ingredients that make up a righteous and virtuous leader.
After meeting more than 1100 people during the past 17 years of my life, I realized that meeting Dr. Kalam was one experience that made me contemplate about the power of being what you are and not changing yourself for others. He truly said that, "Every youth wants to be unique, that is, YOU! But the world all around you, is doing its best, day and night, to make you just "everybody else".
With heart full of admiration and respect, I would like to thank Leaders For Tomorrow for giving me this wonderful opportunity to meet the role model and mentor of many and enabling me to see the world from his perspective. I would like to end with a quote by Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam:
“We are all born with a divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with the glow of its goodness.”
- Vishesha Khemka